Thursday, September 28, 2006

LDTP 0.6.0 released !!!

Released LDTP 0.6.0 yesterday night our time ! Thanks to Dobey, Palm Source, Prashanth Mohan for their contributions to this release.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Few liner review of LDTP

Its interesting to see this few liner review of LDTP

Copy of review pasting below:

LDTP is packaged for Mandriva cooker, so installation is easy.

Once installed, a good starting point is the existing scripts that you can checkout with:

cvs -d co pyautosuite

To run for instance the gedit test:

cd gedit
ldtprunner run.xml

First impression:

  • as for dogtail, looks more like a prototype than something useable
  • keeps separation between scripts and data with XML files

Dobeys great work - Accessibility test suite

Dobey is currently working on Accessibility test suite project using LDTP. His work will identify accessibility related issues in most GNOME applications !

His great work is now available for download. He needs more contributors for the Accessibility test suite project to improve GNOME accessibility support.