Friday, March 20, 2009

Announce: New GNOME desktop testing framework

Ara Pulido have published the new framework to the main branch of gnome-desktop-testing module. Special thanks to Eitan (designed and implemented most of the new framework)

Grab the latest code and start writing tests!

Ara have also updated the documentation:

This document explain the process to create a new Test Suite based on already available applications in the framework.
Read this document, if you want to extend the framework with new applications
This is the framework design document. Read it if you want to help hacking the framework or to know more about the internals.

Congratulation to Ara and Eitan for your hard work !

Friday, March 13, 2009

GNOME Desktop Testing new framework

Eitan Isaacson and Ara Pulido had discussion about a new design for gnome desktop testing and the initial version of code is available here and the spec of the same is available here. Soon it will be merged back to main line.

We welcome all your suggestions.

Ara will be publishing templates of writing new test scripts and also planing to create a new VM with latest gnome and all required settings for automation.

GNOME Desktop Testing discussion

I'm now in Ubuntu QA Sprint, UK. Ara Pulido and Henrik invited me to attend this conference.

The discussion was mostly on gnome-desktop-testing effort and moving forward.

More info here Very useful discussion we had. More news will follow shortly :)

Special thanks to my manager Greg McShea and director Melissa Gracely in VMware supporting me to attend this conference.

Automated Tests For Anjuta

Automated tests for Anjuta (ATFA in short) by Sandro Millien, a great start ! There are some minor issues in Anjuta as not all the widget has accessibility information and when a11y is enabled the response of opening a new window is slow. Wish soon they are fixed, which will standarize the script writing process.

Good news is, ATFA uses LDTP ;)

Announce: Linux Desktop Testing Project 1.5.1 released

LDTP 1.5.1 is mainly a bug fix release

* Bug 574791 – ldtputils.captureimage() ignores coordinate arguments
* Bug 574793 – Use wnck to get window id instead of LTFX (digwin)
* Bug 574787 – LDTP package is not installing correctly
* Bug 574789 – getwindowlist (and others?) don't handle utf8 well

Special thanks to Eitan Isaacson, Ara Pulido and Michael Terry

Source / Binary / Solaris package